Blank Propaganda Machine

Hilary Swank: Hot Dog Abuser

Kirk Wilson, Jed Craig, & Kraig Schaulin Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode, listen as the crew continue to live life dangerously by risking a defamation suit from one of America's finest actresses, and by putting themselves in the crosshairs of the processed meat industry.  Ah, just like the good ol' days!

  • Mass Debate - Jed and Kirk go head-to-head , toe-to-toe, and cheek-to-cheek to decide who knows more about the art of putting condiments on their meat, before sliding it between dem buns, girl...wait what am I saying?
  • Props to Blank - The crew give props to these news making members of society and discuss their impact on everyday life for the rest of us 
  • Taste the Crew - So, you want to get to know the crew a little bit better do ya? Well close your eyes, open wide, and stick out your tongue! What is that intoxicating, funky flavor? That's the crew. You may want to use some mouthwash after this

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